A Collection of songs about real life situations that women and men can appreciate. Promotes chastity, marriage, family life. Includes tribute to the Challenger Space Flight Crew, St. Michael Chaplet from the Pieta Prayer Book.
List of Titles:
1. You Just Lost Your Job
2. I’m Not Skinny
3. The Price of Being A Lady
4. Rollin’ In, Baskin’ In
5. Wee Bear & Papa Bear
6. Take These Children
7. You Dance Attention
8. Step Aside & Rest Awhile
9. A Partner
10. Tribute to Challenger
11. Come Walk With Me Pumpkin
12. History, Mystery, Majesty
“The Challenger is one that should be heard on radio. It makes some sense out of a senseless tragedy.” Fulton, NY
“I really like your (cd), and I decided to keep it for myself instead of giving it to my girls. They will understand it better when they’re older.”
“I find myself humming “I’m living it up with Nicholas, I’m having a good time with Ben…” (Wee Bear & Papa Bear)
“Pumpkin” is another great one. It’s a great ‘Mom’s Tape (cd)’, I think! Can you send me a lyric sheet? I want to get the Bible tape Angels/P.Butter, perhaps for Christmas.” Maine
“You Just Lost Your Job is the best one…that one really says what matters.” Fulton, NY
“…our 17 year old is really attached to it.” California
“Have you ever thought of using Take These Children, (Parents Prayer) for baptisms? I think it would be ideal.” Fulton, NY
“I listened to History, Mystery & Majesty over and over. It is so uplifting! I wish our children had more exposure to chant.” Jordan, NY
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